I believe in the power of stories.
Motivational speakers make me tired.
Ageing is cool and World Peace is impossible.
Riding bikes without a helmet is fun.
Our current love affair with Safety is overwhelming and rendering us petty and boring.
People who jump out of planes and scale sheer cliffs are insane and completely wonderful (but I am not one of these people).
Flexibility is essential.
You are fine despite what most advertising will have you believe.
Alain de Botton is the Bomb (look him up).
My favourite colour is red.
Details are important.
Telco companies are weird.
We have very little control over life (if any) and should probably stop thinking we do.
Destiny and Fate? Not sure…but Luck is being completely overlooked.
The practice of wearing petticoats needs to come back.
Telephone banking is the Best.
Drinking alone is perfectly fine as long as you do it with a nice cheese platter.
I want to marry Batman.